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- Address
Oita-ken, Hayami-gun, Hiji-machi Oga 6842 Itogahama Seaside Park
- Business hours
10:00 - 17:00
Reservations are required for week days only- Prices
- Information on Itogahama SUP Terrace (PDF download)
- Homepage
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- Enquiries
- [Tel]
080-5252-7744 - Parking lot
- Please use the Itogahama Seaside Park Parking Lot
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SUP stands for Stand-Up Paddleboarding, a way of riding a paddleboard where the rider stands. At Itogahama SUP Terrace, you can rent equipment such as boards, and there is even a school for beginners.
Try it out for yourself, and see how it feels to ride on the gentle Itogahama sea in this unique way.