Gyatei Temple

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3460 Toyooka, Hiji Town, Hayami District, Oita Prefecture

Parking lot
A few spaces available

Gyatei Temple is a Zen Buddhist temple belonging to the Rinzai Myoshinji sect. It was established in 1346, during the early Muromachi period, and is a historic temple. The name "Gyaitei" is derived from Sanskrit and is the only temple name in Japan associated with the Heart Sutra.

The founder of Gyatei Temple is Zen Master Nanmei Shuhō, who hailed from Ōta Village in Bungo Province. Zen Master Nanmei Shuhō was posthumously honored with the title of Buddha's Illumination Great Light Zen Master by the Emperor.

The temple is also known for offering various experiences such as zazen (seated meditation) and shakyo (sutra copying), as well as for having a guesthouse managed by the head priest.


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