Shiroyama Lookout

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  • Shiroyama Lookout

    Shiroyama Lookout

  • Shiroyama Lookout

    Shiroyama Lookout

  • Shiroyama Lookout

    Shiroyama Lookout


Oita-ken, Hayami-gun, Hiji-machi

Parking lot
Several parking spaces available at the top of the mountain
Head North for 10 minutes from Sho-oku temple Iriguchi(Entrance) Junction on National Route 10.
The road to the lookout
has been paved, but it is not wide enough to accommodate wide vehicles.

Shiroyama Lookout can be found in a part of the Kanagoe Mountain Range where there was once a mountain castle. As you approach the peak of the mountain, views of Beppu Bay and Hiji town begin to spread out before you. On sunny days here, you can see all the way to Shikoku.The castle was originally built by Yoshiaki Otomo and was named Madake Castle, after the name of the area at the time.
When the Shimazu army attacked the Otomo army, they were able to approach but were unable to damage the natural fortress of Madake Castle. At the inner citadel, you can still find the remains of rare statues of a Buddhist god called Dakiniten and Jizo.


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