Number of views1,537Times
- Address
Oita-ken, Hayami-gun, Hiji-machi
- Parking lot
- For mountain climbing, please use Yamada Usui Spring Parking.
- Access
- Take National route 10 and head towards Yamate for 10 minutes from Syo-oku-temple.
Search Area
Behind Toyooka and the adjacent calm waters of Beppu Bay, the steep peaks of the Kanagoe mountain range can be seen protruding in to the sky. In ancient times, to travel between Buzen and Bungo, it was customary to pass through these mountains. The road that runs through the mountains from the east is called 'East Kanagoe Road' or 'Bunzen Road'. Because the road was used by the feudal lord of Hiji Domain,it was also known by locals as 'Tonosamamichi' (Feudal Road).
The road coming from the west of the mountains was called 'West Kanagoe Road' or 'Usa Road'. In September 1551, the Christian missionary Francisco Xavier famously walked this road upon invitation from the feudal lord, Otomo Sorin, on his way from Yamaguchi to Oita.