Souzudai Ruins

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  • Souzudai Ruins

    Souzudai Ruins


Oita-ken, Hayami-gun, Hiji-machi, Kawasaki

Parking lot
No parking
5 minutes by car from Hiji Interchange.

These ruins were discovered in the Kawasaki district of Hiji in 1950. In the 1960s, the local board of education along with Tohoku University conducted an investigation. They found that the excavated artifacts from the site were remains from the Jomon period (about 8000 years ago). After this, even older relics dating back to the Old Stone Age were discovered in the deeper stratum. Following on from many investigations, there was some dispute about the origins of some of the excavated items.
There is now a stone monument marking the site of where the excavation took place.


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