Number of views1,511Times
- Address
Oita-ken, Hayami-gun, Hiji-machi 2612-1
- Business hours
Please call before visiting to confirm the time and date.
- Prices
- ¥500 (from 2 people)
* One guide for up to 20 people
Tours take 30-60 mins - Enquiries
- Tourist Association
TEL 0977-72-4255 - Parking lot
- Parking available at Ninomaru Yakata
- Access
- 10 minutes on foot from JR Youkoku Station.
Search Area
Walk with a Guide Who Knows the History!
Take a Sea Castle Town Walk
The walk centers around the beautiful and tranquil castle ruins with its ties to the Toyotomi clan. This will be sure to give you a feel for the ocean views and springs characteristic of Hiji.
Come take a leisurely stroll while discovering new things in the hands of a guide.